Thursday, November 8, 2012

news from 08nov12; Aquinas pivot, 'material harm'

After midnight 08nov12,
fatster pointed me to an article that's right along the lines that 
I've been saying for years but now The Atlantic Monthly says it, too.

listened to marketplace today and the host asks a good question,
how do we feel about all this money in politics?

and double WOWOW: Angela Merkel in Brussels says they have to change the nature of the EU in order to save it!

and meanwhile, we're just finding out about more lost funds over there now?

CBO and CRS says losing Bush tax cuts for wealthiest won't have a dampening effect on economy. Studies of 65 years of data say so. Let's just say it, they don't want to see a success in Obama column.

well now, this may be newsworthy. The US Int'l Trade Commission affirmed that China has done material harm to the US solar panel market by dumping onto our market far more cheaper models and swamping US market for those. Steep tariffs are now in order. It jumped out at me because of ... Solyndra etc. and the solar panel market as a whole in the US but also with the term, the phraseology of 'done material harm'.
WOW man! That brings me back.

Ten years ago I was reading this book. The author Phillip Bobbitt explains how legal experts worked out a deal with Phillip II, Holy Roman Emperor, King of Spain and Holland and much else. It was he that insisted on there being a just and Christian response to 'material harm'. He could be convinced  it would be enough if that justification was based on Thomas Aquinas and so we are told that the lawyers found ways to do that. For them, the consequence of 'material harm' meant not turning the other cheek but responding with force if necessary. They needed to use government money in this case to pay for ships to transport troops across the Atlantic to combat the heathen hordes in America, of course. The Thomas Aquinas quote: "Unica est et sola justa inferendi bellum, iniuria accepta." There is one and only one just start for war, by receiving injury. It was the loss due to the hazards of transatlantic crossings, disease, as well as indigenous inhabitants that caused the merchants and bankers to need this materielle support. And so they got it.
In modern terms injury is called 'material harm'. Thankfully this is justification for trade war, the tipping point for imposing tariffs, not launching armies. Thankfully. The story from there to here is much longer, but this is how it started.

Also this crept by at the end of the business day,

"Highly Scripted, China Moves To New Leaders"
 4 minute audio

Germans want to see their gold buillion in New York! It's been thirty years since they've had an audit.

and how's this for vindication?
No economic damage shown by CBO, CRS for Bush high end tax cuts. They should be repealed. There's some revenue,

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