Thursday, July 2, 2015

news bits midway 2015

As wikipedia tells me, today is the 183rd of 365 days this year, and, there are also 182 days left in the year. Today in the Gregorian calendar used in the west, is a pivot in the middle of the rest of this year. That is, 182 days have transpired this year with 182 days left in the year after today.

Flashpoints in the last few weeks this June have burnt their way across the news in the US. The killing of nine church-members in the historic AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina on June 16, and by an avowed white supremacist (and his subsequent chase and capture), was followed by the clamor for removal of confederate flags from state houses across the country and then, for retailers like Wal-Mart, KMART and Sears to remove such symbols from their shelves. Then for a week as many as eight historically black churches across the south were engulfed by fire. The FBI has opened investigations on those cases and four of them have already been called arson fires. Author of  'Lies My Teacher Told Me' gives a recent overview of 20th century narratives about the Old South here.


Also the US Supreme Court handed down a number of decisions late in June. A couple popular challenges, against same-sex marriage and against the Healthcare ACAct, were turned down. A couple others went another way. EPA limits on mercury emissions from power plants were relaxed, and a controversial form of state-sanctioned execution, the lethal injection was allowed. An overview is found at DemocracyNow! Also,


Conflict in Egypt heats up:
And in Yemen.
Greece has passed the deadline for a payment to the ECB. A referendum by Greek voters is scheduled
on Sunday.

Spook trolling on internet? Here's some evidence:

Researchers think this may be the map Columbus took with him on his first voyage.

Miguel de Cervantes wanted to be buried under this convent. And so he is.