Saturday, July 1, 2023

Bad Times For The News 01July, 2023

Rain here in Kansas as the world appears from space to be bathed in a brown cloud in the Northern Hemisphere. Hundreds of fires in Canada have burned for weeks and blanketed everybody east of there with extreme smoke pollution. 

Another significant change in the news today is another reshuffle at Twitter, the global news disseminator, that now limits the amount of speech users can see depending on whether users choose to pay for their self-verification or not. So its users complained and made fun of it. Many more have said they are leaving for good.

Over and over in many ways. Meanwhile, there are serious riots & protests in France for a fourth night. 

The war in Ukraine blasts on. And reports of Israel dropping bombs on Syria Jenin in the West Bank are coming in tonight as well. Not a good omen for July.