Saturday, November 10, 2012

more news from 08-10nov12

make the banks public utilities, this would solve the problem of prices as 35-40% of what we spend goes to pay... interest charged by the banks.

mathbabe tells off Ghietner and SEC, in a formal statement

Petraeus resigns, twitterverse goes nuts, right-wing loses grip on sanity and the Benghazi CIA testimony next week gets given to a deputy who will act as director of spooks. scary, huh?

center right media increase the circle of dissent on Romney loss, npr, 4 minute audio

JK Galbraith says it's a phony debt scare, so who's telling Boehner, and McConnell different?

Here's a place where people can donate money for blankets for people on east coast. I'll happily vouch for these folks.

David Dayen says it's getting hotter in Australia as court rules S&P liable for bad ratings 

Report on Jailing of journalists in Turkey after two years of the continuing practice, npr, 4 minute audio

RIAB: radio in a box, fwd base Shank, Afghanistan, npr, 4 min audio

making a new city with Paul Romer in Honduras, on planet money , 20 minute audio

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