Tuesday, April 15, 2014

news early April 2014

There has been a lot of news the last couple weeks. There were some clarifications,
  • healthcare goals met, and Health and Human Services Secretary Sebelius stepped down. Steve Kornacki recap, 6 min video  
  • Today is tax day and with the IRS budgets cut, the agency under six different investigations by the Republican led House Oversight Committee and widespread antipathy expressed on the right, the government still presents an optimistic face. npr has a great interview in 8 min audio piece.
  • a ridiculous stand-off in Nevada and  Bureau of Land Management decided to change tactics. Cattle Rancher still Cliven Bundy needs to pay a million bucks after not paying his fee for using federal land for 20 years. 5 min video w/ @chrislhayes
  • the slow overtaking of Eastern Ukraine by forces claiming to be with the Russian army. Russia denies this, but the forces take city governmnet buildings, assume control and expand their forces. This has been a slow process over the last weeks. US and Europe talk about imposing more sanctions. Despite communications between Presidents Obama & Putin, little if anything is resolved.

The moment caught in time:

Meanwhile, back in the states.

  • A number of shooting in the Kansas City metro area has shaken a number of communities. One by an ex-KKK grand master was targeting Jews at a suburban community center and killed three other people who weren't Jewish. This happened during Passover this year. 
  • The twentieth victim of a roadway shooting occurred yesterday in Kansas City , as well. It does seem to be a thing with cars. Twelve of them seem 'related'.
  • The Guardian and the Washington Post won Pulitzer's and Glenn Greewald and Laura Poitras received Polk awards for reporting on Edward Snowden revelations about governement surveillance.
  • Last night there was a lunar eclipse.

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