Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Get Yer IRS/AP/Benghazimess Big Picture, Right Cheeah, May 14, 2013

  • UPDATE!! Nice! Four Reasons If You're In The SF area to go see Janelle Monae at the symphony as $ from steep tickets go to getting music instruments for SF kids. This is how you do it.
  • UPDATE! By end of day Tuesday, 14may, the AP adds a few notes to this leak of a story
  • Once again, chrishayes does a number on the top news of the am, explaining how the IRS scandal is actually spawned from the Citizen's United case a few years ago, allowing 501c4 groups - untaxed social welfare groups - to also contribute to political campaigns and become SuperPACS with no limit ... which caused problems for the IRS, since that happened under their watch, the Agency now charged with new directions, but without guidelines to accomplish that, no red lines of conduct etc., Monday morning, May 13, 2013. Wow.
  • If you want to go down the rabbit hole : woah, to tie that AP capture to drones and Benghazi in a knot with Brennan at the helm and now the CIA director, emptywheel blows away the competition, over the astounding admission by the AP that the DOJ had been monitoring 20 communication lines of AP reporters and subordinates, contacts, for some time, a couple months at least. Reading half a dozen articles from May 13 and prolly through the day Tuesday, she'll get you caught up. She is the fastest thinker that also writes it all down, plus, with her exhaustive memory of all the major foreign policy failures of the last ten years, sidetrips and bad adventures in constitution shredding enterprises, like the torture record, which she had written about nearly daily for years just to keep up and make sure it was reported on, and in such a degree of detail unmatched anywhere, really, just makes the crap on tv look like shit throwing monkeys. She is so totally expert, I learn from her just trying to understand the implications of what she's saying in plain-as-day english + her twitter is great fun most every day. but yuck
  • Or, from seven years ago, one can also see a pattern of the FBI listening as or similar to as was done prior to May 15, 2006, but then it was AT&T. yuck
  • Onion Network says last month that Brad Pitt grows out forehead hair: that just got really funny overnight after news of Jolie's double mastectomy to avoid cancer

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